Sunday, January 31, 2010

Booga Boo

Here is my lovely oldest daughter and my grandson. She is such a blessing! I thought it would be nice to have a photo of them here since they are the inspiration behind the name of my blog. Elayna said that Booga Boo was the name she thought of when she had him. The almost 2 years since his birth has flown by at such an extremely fast pace. We are looking forward to the birth of Elayna and her husband Randy's second baby in June. Thats only 4 months. It seems to be going faster with this baby. 
We have 6 kids altogether. Not all mine not all his but after 10 years the lines are blurry. Just the way God intended for our family to be.  =) 
Ya know I am pretty crafty and I love to sew and so many other things but i realized that I haven't put anything here to really show that side of my life. I don't have to be brave and show my teeny tiny craft room which is messy. What about some people makes them so messy? It must be because I am a visual person. I sit down surrounded by all my little pieces and combine them into things. I think I am so very content when this happens. I am very blessed and have been for so long. We don't have a great big house or impressive cars, but we do have each other. No things could ever replace my family. When God brings the one meant for you into your life it changes things for the better! ok enough rambling. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Snow and a little pillow

It has been snowy forever! Well it feels like it as the saying goes...have snow, make beautiful pictures. I would rather have flowers. I am so ready for flowers and besides Chihuahuas Hate snow! I have 2 of them. They are very cute except the snow thing. Ok I made this pillow the other day and thought it would be fun to show everyone. I tea dyed the material and used antique lace. The picture just doesn't do it justice.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Mod Podge

One of my new fav blogs is Mod Podge Rocks. I have been so inspired by all the projects she has posted and the stuff she does. So in that spirit I want to show you my kitchen cabinet. Will you give me your opinion on the project. I want to know what everyone thinks of painting the cabinets behind the doors white or stain them black. I plan on re-staining the bottom cabinets black. So what do you think? There is a lot of creativity out there, let me know! :) Thanks all. Oh even the paint color on the walls is under discussion.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New TV Stand

Hello all you blog fans! I have been busy again. Here are some photos of my new tv stand that I bought for $9 and some change. I already had the paint, so this was a screaming deal! I am so excited about it, I could faint...ok I'm calmer. Here's my baby... Before


I am so In. Love. (even though she still needs handles, hehe)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Fun

My 2 youngest boys with Bob the Snowman.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Background

Hi Blogworld! I just visited the Background Fairy and she has some really neat images. I picked myself up one and I love how it looks. It seems to say...Tawney. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Blog Links

I have been busy! I didn't realize how many wonderful blogs there are out there in webland. I have added a bunch to the blog list. I am getting inspired by all you lovely ladies. These are my newly mogpoded (is that a word?) treasure boxes. My mom gave me a wonderful book of antique newspapers from the late 1800s to early 1900s from South Dakota. Aren't they fabulous! I plan on containing my jewerly in them.